
Registration for the Montes Claros City Council's Young Apprentice Program begins this Monday, (06)

Montes Claros City Hall is carrying out a simplified selection process aimed at hiring apprentices to fill 50 vacancies, in addition to forming a reserve register. Registration is free and must be completed by next Friday, 10th, at the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) and Specialized Social Assistance Reference Centers (CREAS).

There are 50 vacancies, 25 for the morning shift and 25 for the afternoon shift, always after school, with ten percent of the vacancies being reserved for people with disabilities. The selection will be carried out in four stages: registration, registration analysis, interview and hiring. According to the process notice, the final result of the selection should be announced on December 22nd. Remuneration will be calculated according to hours worked, based on a monthly minimum wage.

To participate in the selection, the young person must reside in Montes Claros, be between 14 and 20 years old, come from a family with an income of less than three minimum wages and be attending, in the public school system, primary or secondary education until the penultimate year. Young people leaving child labor and socio-educational measures will have priority. It is worth noting that candidates under 18 must register accompanied by their legal guardian. It is still pertinent to clarify that the age, between 14 and 20 years old, refers to the candidate's age on the date of hiring.

Those selected in the process will receive qualifications provided by a professional training entity contracted by the Municipality with an appropriate structure for the development of learning programs, in order to maintain the quality of the teaching process. They will undergo a performance assessment every six months, to identify areas that require improvement to maintain the learning employment contract.

Candidates must present, at CRAS or CREAS, original documents and deliver an envelope with copies of: photo ID; CPF; proof of education showing the series and shift in which you are enrolled (original declaration valid for 30 days); reservist certificate or proof of enlistment, for young men over 18 years old; voter registration card, for people over 18; PIS number (if you have already worked with a formal contract); proof of address; updated Single Registry summary sheet; proof of income of the family group; medical report and occupational health certificate with CID number, for candidates with disabilities; and registration form.

Madeleine Aparecida Lafetá Rabelo

Studied Master's Degree PPGP UFJF at the educational institution UFJF - Federal University of Juiz de Fora. She has worked as a pedagogue since 1997, a lawyer since 2011. Passionate about education, law and a pinch of esotericism and the meaning of dreams. I love reading and writing.