
How to use search filters on Instagram

Searching for filters on Instagram is something that can be done more simply than it seems. In addition to making a story or Reels more fun, it can increase the chances of more people consuming your content on the platform. Check out some ways to do this below!

  • 3 tips to make the most of your Stories filters
  • 10 best filters for you to use on Instagram Stories

1. Search filters in Instagram effects gallery

Create a “Story” or “Reels”;Drag the list of filters to the end and tap the “Magnifying Glass” to access the effects gallery;Once this is done, you can view new filters highlighted or search for a specific one by clicking again on the “Magnifying glass” in the top right corner; Choose the option that suits you best, just click “Test”.


You can search for filters on Instagram using the social network's Effects Gallery (Screenshot: Matheus Bigogno)

2. Search through filters saved in your gallery

You can find new effects from those saved in your camera. When you see an effect you like, click its name, followed by the name of its creator; Swipe to expand the menu and tap “More of” to see more filters created by that effect user;Then you will be redirected to the “Filters” tab of the person’s profile;Open others you like and use them!


See how to find more filters from the same creator (Screenshot: Matheus Bigogno)

3. Use the same filter as a friend

See any cool effects in a story or reel? You can know exactly which effect is used in the content.

  • In Story, this information is available in the top left corner;
  • In Reels, the effect name is available at the bottom of the screen.

You can find new Instagram effects in your friends' Stories and Reels (Screenshot: Matheus Bigogno)

How to save the Instagram filter

If you want, you can even save an Instagram filter to use in your other productions. When you find the filter you want to save, tap the “Save” icon in the bottom right corner; The filter will be available in the camera filter list, just access and use normally.


Access a filter, tap the “Save” icon and you can access it directly from the camera effects list (Screenshot: Matheus Bigogno)

How to download Instagram filter

Although it is not a download option, you can find Instagram filters on a platform called Lenslist. Using a web browser, access the Lenslist website and look for a filter that interests you; Then you will be redirected to Instagram;Record your content using the filter and publish it.


See how to find Instagram filters on the Lenslist website (Screenshot: Matheus Bigogno)

How to make an Instagram filter

Creating your own filter is a more complex and laborious process. However, you can use the Spark AR Studio platform to start creating something. Interested? See more details on how to make your own Instagram filter.

Prepare! Now you know exactly how to search for filters on Instagram quickly and conveniently. And if you really like and follow the latest social media trends, you might want to know how to use the cry filter on Instagram, TikTok or Snapchat.