
Credit Card Loan: Uncovering How It Works

Credit card loans are an increasingly popular option for people who need additional financial resources in times of emergency or to carry out important personal projects. Although it is convenient and easily accessible, it is essential to understand how it works, advantages and disadvantages to make well-informed financial decisions. In this article, we will explore how credit card loans work and what you need to know before opting for this modality.

1. What is a Credit Card Loan

A credit card loan, also known as a “pre-approved loan” or “revolving credit”, is an option offered by financial institutions to their customers who have credit cards. Basically, the cardholder can request a sum of money, and the institution releases the requested amount into their account, transforming it into a loan.

2. How a Credit Card Loan Works

How a credit card loan works is relatively simple. When the cardholder applies for the loan, the financial institution analyzes their credit profile and payment history. If approved, the requested amount is credited to the customer's account, available for immediate use.

Loan payments are made monthly, just like your credit card bill. It is important to note that, depending on the bank issuing the card, significant interest rates may be applied to the amount borrowed. Furthermore, the monthly installment to be paid may affect the credit limit available on the card until the loan is fully paid off.

3. Advantages of Credit Card Loans

  • Speed and Ease: The main attraction of a credit card loan is the speed and ease with which money can be obtained. It is not necessary to go through long credit analysis processes, as in traditional loans.
  • Immediate availability: As soon as the loan is approved, the requested amount is immediately made available in the customer's account and can be used as needed.
  • Payment Flexibility: Payments can be made in monthly installments, allowing the customer to choose the payment method that best suits their financial situation.

Disadvantages of Credit Card Loans

  • High Interest Rates: In general, credit card loans have higher interest rates compared to other types of loans, which can make them an expensive option.
  • Impact on Credit Limit: Until the loan is fully paid, the amount borrowed may reduce the credit limit available on the card, limiting usage options.
  • Debt Risk: Easy access to credit can lead to an increased risk of debt if the customer does not plan adequately to pay the installments.


A credit card loan can be a viable option for those who need money quickly and without much bureaucracy. However, it is important to be cautious and responsible when opting for this modality, considering the interest rates involved and the impact on the credit limit.

Before applying for a credit card loan, it is recommended to compare other credit alternatives available on the market and assess which one best fits your needs and financial possibilities. Proper planning is essential to avoid unnecessary debt and ensure a sound financial decision.