
Foods with E: foods that begin with the letter E

The variety of foods available around the world is truly fascinating. Today, let's explore some delicious foods with E. Get ready for a gastronomic journey full of different flavors and cultures!

Epic Entrances

1. Empanadas

Empanadas are a popular delicacy in Latin America. They are small pastries filled with a variety of ingredients, such as meat, chicken, cheese or vegetables. The dough is usually buttery and crunchy, making empanadas an irresistible appetizer.

2. Edamame

Originating in Japan, edamames are young, green soybean pods, steamed and sprinkled with sea salt. They are a healthy and delicious choice for snacking.

Eclectic Main Dishes

3. Spaghetti

Spaghetti is a classic of Italian cuisine. Served with a variety of sauces, from traditional tomato sauce to elegant Alfredo sauce, spaghetti is always a tasty option.

4. Eggplant Parmesan

This Italian dish, known as “Parmigiana di Melanzane”, consists of layers of breaded eggplant, tomato sauce and melted cheese. It's an explosion of flavor and texture in every bite.

Irresistible Desserts

5. Eclairs

Éclairs are a classic French dessert. They consist of a choux pastry filled with pastry cream and covered with chocolate icing. Each bite is an explosion of sweetness and smoothness.

6. Eton Mess

This British dessert is a divine combination of fresh strawberries, whipped cream and broken meringues. The mix of flavors and textures makes Eton Mess an elegant and delicious dessert.

Refreshing Drinks

7. Espresso

Espresso is a strong, concentrated coffee drink of Italian origin. It is the base for many other coffee drinks, such as cappuccinos and lattes. A shot of espresso is the perfect choice for coffee lovers looking for an intense flavor.

8. Eggnog

This creamy drink is a Christmas tradition in the United States and elsewhere. Made with milk, cream, sugar, eggs and nutmeg, eggnog is a sweet and comforting drink.

Fruits with E

Did you know that there are several delicious fruits whose names begin with the letter E? In this article, we will explore some of these juicy and nutritious fruits that not only have unique flavors but are also good for your health. So, get ready for a journey through the world of fruits with the letter E!

1. Escarole

Escarole, although often associated with vegetables, is actually a variety of bitter lettuce that can be eaten like a fruit. It is known for its distinct flavor and is often used in salads and culinary dishes.

2. Sea buckthorn (Sea Spinach)

Sea buckthorn, also called sea spinach, is a sea fruit with a salty, refreshing flavor. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and is often used in seafood dishes.

3. Elderberry

Elderberry is a dark purple fruit that is known for its sweet and sour flavor and medicinal properties. It is often used in the preparation of syrups and teas to strengthen the immune system.

4. Pea

Peas are a fruit that is part of the legume family. It is consumed in its pod and is a rich source of proteins, fiber and essential vitamins.

5. Endive

Endive is a fruit with a crunchy texture and bitter flavor. It is often used in salads and cooked dishes, adding a touch of unique flavor.

6. Embaúba

Embaubá is a tropical fruit found in some regions of Brazil. It has a sweet flavor and is often consumed fresh or made into juices and sweets.

Vegetables with the letter E

If you're looking for ways to diversify your diet with healthy vegetables, a great idea is to explore options that start with the letter “E.” In this article, we will introduce you to some delicious and nutritious vegetables that can add a special touch to your meals. Let's go!


Spinach is one of the most popular and versatile vegetables available.

  • Flavor: Mild, slightly bitter.
  • Health benefits: Rich in iron, vitamin K, and antioxidants.
  • Forms of consumption: Salads, stir-fries, green smoothies.


Endive is known for its crunchiness and slightly bitter flavor.

  • Flavor: Bitter, with touches of nuttiness.
  • Health benefits: Rich in fiber and B vitamins.
  • Forms of consumption: In salads, grilled or as a snack with sauces.


Fennel, also called fennel, has a unique and refreshing flavor.

  • Flavor: Aniseed, with notes of licorice.
  • Health benefits: Good source of fiber and vitamin C.
  • Forms of consumption: Raw in salads, cooked in vegetable dishes.

Find other delicious options

In addition to the vegetables mentioned above, there are other options that begin with the letter “E” that are worth highlighting:

  • Escarole: With a bitter flavor, it is great in salads or sautéed.
  • Dill: Used as a seasoning, it has a dill flavor and is ideal for fish dishes.
  • Pea: Although considered a legume, peas are a great addition to vegetable dishes.


Now that we've explored some foods that start with the letter “E,” you can see how global cuisine offers a multitude of delicious options. From savory starters to decadent desserts, there is something for everyone. So the next time you're looking for something new to try, why not start with a food that starts with the letter “E”? Your gastronomic adventure is just beginning!