
Cleonice Rossi Braga: The Crucial Role of Nice in the Life of Roberto Carlos

Roberto Carlos, the “King” of Brazilian music, is a figure loved by many. In addition to his countless songs that have won hearts around the world, the singer is also known for his personal life. One of the frequently asked questions among fans is how many children he had, in particular with Cleonice Rossi Braga, his first wife. In this article, we'll explore Roberto Carlos' family, detailing the number of children he had with Cleonice, his relationship with them, and how the singer balanced his career and family life.

The Union of Roberto Carlos and Cleonice Rossi Braga

  • The relationship history: Roberto Carlos and Cleonice Rossi Braga had a relationship that marked part of the singer's career. Married in 1968, they shared important moments and, together, faced the challenges that life presented them.
  • Roberto Carlos' paternity: With Cleonice, Roberto Carlos had two children. Their names are Sacha and Luciana Braga, the result of a union that, despite having come to an end, left a family legacy that continues to this day.

The Importance of Family for Roberto Carlos

  • Successful career and family life: Roberto Carlos is recognized for his brilliant career, with countless musical successes, exciting shows and a profound influence on Brazilian culture. However, amid all these achievements, he always demonstrated the importance of his family.
  • Balancing career and parenthood: Despite the challenges inherent in such an intense career, Roberto Carlos has always sought to find a balance between his work and his responsibility as a father. His children, Sacha and Luciana, have a special place in his life.

The Legacy of Roberto Carlos and His Children

  • The influence of children on the singer’s life: Sacha and Luciana, Roberto Carlos' children with Cleonice, play a significant role in his life. Although they chose to follow different paths, they share love and respect for their famous father.
  • Family continuity: Roberto Carlos' legacy goes beyond his musical career, extending to his family. His children are an important part of this legacy, carrying with them the name and influence of one of the greatest icons of Brazilian music.


Roberto Carlos, the artist who moved generations with his music, also built a family that is an essential part of his legacy. With Cleonice Rossi Braga, he had two children, Sacha and Luciana, who bring pride and love to the life of the “King”. This story of union, balance between career and fatherhood, and the continuity of the family legacy, shows us that, beyond music, the value of family is something that has always been present in the life of this great Brazilian artist.