“Your turn” on Instagram | How to use the sticker and join the trend

The “Your Turn” sticker on Instagram is one of the most popular features on the social network. With the function, you can participate in chains by sending your photos, in addition to creating and sharing new challenges with your friends on the platform.

Next, find out how to use the Sua Vez sticker and the ways available to participate in chains using the sticker in applications for Android and iPhone (iOS) cell phones.

How Your Turn works on Instagram

Your Turn is a feature available on Instagram Stories and Reels to create photo challenges on the service. The idea is to use a phrase and answer it using one or more photos or videos in the Reels function. Afterwards, anyone who sees the challenge can also participate in the chain.

For example, you can create a chain with the question “Post your favorite photo” and respond with the image you like most from your gallery. Other users can respond to the chain by tapping the “Your Turn” button on the sticker, and this counts even if they are not your followers.

How to use the Your Turn sticker on Instagram

There are three ways to participate in Your Turn on Instagram chains: create a challenge from scratch, respond to an existing chain, or pass it on to others. See below how to use the sticker in each of these options.

To create a new chain

Open the Instagram app on your phone; Tap the “+” button at the top of the screen and select “Stories” or “Reels”; Make your Stories or record the Reels video; Tap the sticker icon at the top and go to “Your turn”;Create a challenge. Then tap “Finish”; Share the chain on Instagram.

To respond to a chain

Open the Instagram app on your phone;Find a Stories or Reels with some current;Tap “Your turn”;Create Stories with Reels using photos or videos;Share your response on Instagram.

To pass the current on

Open the Instagram app on your cell phone;Find a Stories or Reels with some current;Tap “Your turn”;Create Stories with Reels using photos or videos;Share your answer on Instagram;After publishing the answer, tap “Pass your turn ”;Select the contacts and tap “Send”.

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